Ian Gilbert
Founder of Independent Thinking
Ian is an award-winning author and editor, a leading educational speaker and entrepreneur and a man who the IB magazine named as one of its top 15 educational ‘visionaries’. He established Independent Thinking in 1994 as a platform for leading practitioners to share their work in bringing the best out of all children.
Currently based in Hong Kong, he has lived and worked in the UK, South America and the Middle East and so has a special perspective on classrooms and systems, what works and what definitely doesn’t.
He is the author of several best-selling books including Essential Motivation in the Classroom and Why Do I Need a Teacher When I’ve Got Google? (spoiler alert – you need good teachers now more than ever), is the man behind the Thunks phenomenon and has also edited many books for the Independent Thinking Press. His latest book, Independent Thinking, was published in 2014.