Will Ord

Will Ord is Director of Thinking Education Ltd., a UK based education training company.  He has been a teacher, author, charity chairperson, and has worked with educators in over 25 countries.   He specialises in helping schools to create “great learners” at every level, and his training courses explore key areas such as metacognition, engagement, memory, reflection, thinking & communication skills, active learning, mindfulness & wellbeing, and school leadership.  He also provides training to parent groups and school governors.  In particular, Will has been helping both pupils and teachers develop the ‘Philosophy for Children’ (or ‘P4C’) pedagogy for 30 years.  The Power of Questioning session draws on this experience.  

 For more information about Will Ord:  www.thinkingeducation.co.uk 

Or search for “Will Ord” on You Tube for some of his videos.